HAWAI, 17 Jun: Sixteen members of women’s SHG Tindeomai benefitted from a training programme on ‘Farmers-producers organization: An approach towards enhancing income and employment generation’, organized by the Anjaw KVK at Wahal village on 16 June.
Addressing the SHG members, KVK social science specialist S Peter Singh explained the importance of farmers-producers organizations (FPO) and their role in uplifting the socioeconomic status of farmers and farmwomen. Stating that marketing of agricultural and horticultural crops is one of the biggest problems of the farmers of the district, Singh said formation of FPOs could solve the issue to a great extent.
He encouraged the farmwomen to “go for FPO formation and diversified farming system such as cultivation of seasonal vegetables crops, tuber crops and spices, as it could enhance the cropping intensity.”
Seeds and planting materials of cassava, taro, colocasia, yam and elephant foot yam, along high-yielding maize seed variety Bio-9637 were distributed among the farmwomen.