ITANAGAR, 23 Jun: The state special investigation cell (vigilance) has on Wednesday arrested four persons, including the ICC DLRSO, Supervising Kanungo (SK), Mandal and one DA following a complaint filed by one Tai Robin accusing officials of the DLRSO office, Itanagar Capital Complex of taking bribe and issuing double allotment to one person.
The arrested include; Lepa Rada DLRSO Lomin Lonchung, Supervising Kanungo Dai Tamo, ICC Mandal Ravi Tachang and ICC DA Biman Phukan.
SIC (Vig.) Superintendent of Police Dr Hemant Tiwari informed that a complaint was received on 31 January, 2020 from one Tai Robin of Sekey Colony in Itanagar, that one Tai Chachung has been issued LPC by overlapping his same plot of land at Chimpu, Hollongi road. He alleged that double allotment was done by the officials of ICC DLRSO office by taking bribes.
“During enquiry, it has been found that the area of LPC possessed by Tai Robin is 4,125 Sq mtrs and the area possessed by Tai Chachung is 24,504 sq mtrs which is of the same plot. Tai Robin was issued LPC vide No.DC/CC/LM/LPC-356/2016 Dated Itanagar, the 01/08/2016 and the LPC document of Tai Chachung was issued vide No.DC/ICC/LM/LPC-387/2019 Dated Itanagar 14/07/2019. Tai Chachung was issued LPC for the same plot and most of the area is under a deep gorge of around 50 mtrs depth. Mandal Ravi Tachang has taken the dimensions using Google earth and the procedure followed by Mandal Ravi Tachang seems to be faulty and in physical verification during enquiry it has been found that 24,504 sq mtrs area is not at all possible for the said plot of land,” the police informed.
“During PE the then DLRSO Takam Titus, whose signature appeared in the LPC, note sheets and sketch map of Tai Robin, had said that his signature was forged by someone. His claim is under investigation,” the report added.
The SIC (Vig.) has found out that DLRSO Lomin Lonchung, who was then posted at ICC issued the LPC by overlapping the earlier one and that the note-sheet on which the approval has been obtained from the DC “does not bear any date, etc.”
The SIC also reported that Dai Tamo, the then ICC SK had not followed the due procedure and prepared the site map without conducting field visit. It was also concluded that it was on his recommendation the LPC was approved initially and that the area in which the present plot of land is situated falls under jurisdiction of another SK.
“ICC Mandal Ravi Tachang had verified the land without visiting the plot, as no such land measuring 24,504 sq mtrs existed at said location. The area in which the present plot of land is situated falls under jurisdiction of another SK. Also, ICC DA Biman Phukan is suspected to have actively collaborated with the co-accused in the entire process,” the SIC reported, adding that a further investigation is currently on.