State registers significant decline in infant mortality rate

ITANAGAR, 26 Oct: Arunachal Pradesh has registered a significant decline in infant mortality rate (IMR).

According to the sample registration system bulletin released in October 2021, IMR in Arunachal Pradesh has declined from 37 per 1,000 live births in 2018 to 29 per 1,000 live births in 2019.

“The results signify that the strategic approach of the government of India and the efforts of the state government on health through various initiatives, including strengthening of service delivery, quality assurance, RMNCH+A, human resources, community processes, information and knowledge, drugs and diagnostics, and supply chain management has helped in the remarkable achievements in merely one year,” NHM DD (IEC) O Thamphang stated in a release.

Infant mortality rate, which is widely accepted as a crude indicator of the overall health scenario of a country or a region, is defined as the infant deaths (less than one year) per thousand live births in a given time period and for a given region, Thamphang said.