SEPPA, 17 Nov: The monitoring division of Finance, Planning and Investment department, in collaboration with the State Remote Application Centre, Itanagar, conducted a workshop cum hands-on training for the district’s heads of departments and field officers of East Kameng district on ‘Satellite Based Monitoring and Geo Tagging of Projects’ on 16 November.
Briefing the HoDs of East Kameng district, Director of Monitoring, Mokir Ori informed the officers that the state government has been strengthening the monitoring mechanism in the state since 2008 by introducing district level monitoring committees, SDLMCs, CLMCs, TPMs and SQMs.
“Through the satellite based monitoring and geo tagging application, all the projects in the state are geotagged mandatorily to get rid of duplicity, overlapping and rudendency of various projects,” Ori said.
He informed that projects without geo-tagging and entries into MIS of Arunachal Monitoring Portal are not entertained by the state government for sanction and release of funds.
As such, department heads were advised to be attentive in the hands-on training to acquire the knowledge and expertise in geo tagging of projects.
The scientist cum technology officer of SRSAC demonstrated the process of satellite based monitoring and geo-tagging through a presentation and explained about the Arunachal monitoring portal in detail.
The Seppa CO also spoke.