In an interview with news agency PTI, Chief Minister Pema Khandu declared that road and digital connectivity will be his main priority in 2022. There is no doubt that road and digital connectivity are big issues concerning the state. He said that the Tali road in Kra Daadi district and the Miao-Vijaynagar in Changlang are his main priority. There are several road projects being taken up across the state, including national highways, state highways, PMGSY roads, etc.
Over the years, Arunachal Pradesh has acquired a bad name for failing to complete the road infrastructure projects on time. The poor implementation has hurt the state’s image. Therefore, it is heartening to know that the CM is prioritizing the road sector. But for any state or country to progress, a peaceful society is paramount. Unfortunately, Arunachal is witnessing friction among various tribes and religious believers. This is a very dangerous trend. The chief minister should focus on improving relations between various religious believers in the state. There should be more interaction and healthy deliberation in this regard. The Tawang church issue almost caused a bitter division in the state. So far, the issue has been tactfully handled by the CM and hopefully, it will be resolved peacefully in the greater interest of the state. Similarly, the controversy over the creation of new districts has also caused tension between various tribes.