Training prog on PR system begins

YINGKIONG, 27 Jan: Fifty participants, including panchayat members, PR functionaries, members of SHGs and NGOs, and representatives from the Yingkiong CD block are taking part in a three-day ‘Block level foundation-cum-functional training programme for Upper Siang district’, which was inaugurated by ZPC Lumgeng Litin at the DPDO conference hall here on Thursday.

Addressing the gathering, Litin stressed on the value of training and capacity-building, and said, “Without training, the newly elected panchayati raj (PR) members, especially GP members, not only in Yingkiong CD block but in other blocks and districts in the state, are wondering where to step ahead in the path of development to achieve gram swaraj.”

He urged the participants to attend every session of the training programme and “learn the basics and functional techniques as elected panchayat members for preparation of vibrant gram panchayat development plans (GPDP) of the gram panchayats and to lighten the burden of functionaries.”

PD Kiran Ningo advised the participants to “learn the guidelines as issued by the ministry, especially MGNREGA and PMAY and FFCs, as scheduled to be trained by the trainers in the three-day programme, so that their implementation is easy in the days to come.”

SIRD&PR Assistant Director SW Bagang said that “such off-campus training programmes are conducted to minimize government expenditures, and participants are invited from each block to the state capital to bear their own food, stay and travel expenses.”

He said that the training will include the new SPICE model power devolution to the PRIs and preparation of GPDPs, “besides generating awareness on poverty alleviation programmes of the MoRD and PR and social inclusion initiatives of the state government.” (DIPRO)