PASIGHAT, 11 Feb: Thirty farmers from Kebang, Riga, Sitang and other villages of the Siang districts benefitted from a three-day training programme on ‘Economics of horti-based farming system for sustainable development’, which concluded at the College of Horticulture & Forestry (CHF) here in East Siang district on Friday.
During the programme, which was organized by the CHF’s social science department, CHF Dean Dr BN Hazarika spoke on “the scope and importance of horti-based farming system for enhancing farmers’ income,” while course director Dr Lakshmi Dhar Hatai dwelt on the economics of cultivation of horticultural crops, and on horti-business and its management.
Dr SK Pattanaaik spoke about micro-irrigation and water management in horti-based farming system, and Dr Ch Victoria Devi delivered a lecture on “entrepreneurial development in horti- enterprise.”
Dr Nangsol Dolma Bhutia demonstrated “the protected methods of cultivation under polyhouse for high-value vegetable crops,” and Dr Bikram Singh delivered a lecture on the importance of multipurpose tree species in the agro-horti-forestry system.
Dr PK Nimbolkar demonstrated grafting methods in citrus, while Dr P Raja presented a practical demonstration on “bio-pesticides application and its integrated management in horticultural crops.”
Dr TM Chanu highlighted the horti-farming system, and Dr P Debnath showed the methods of making vermicompost units. Dr DK Pandey delivered a lecture on the “role of ICT in horti-based agro-advisory system.”
Certificates were later distributed to the farmers who attended the programme.