Kanu Yomcha and Moli Ngomdir champions of 22nd State Arm Wrestling Championship

ITANAGAR, 18 Apr: Kanu Yomcha (50 kg) and Moli Ngomdir (90 kg+), both from West Siang district, won the gold medal in their respective weight categories and became champions in the women’s and the men’s sections of the 22nd State Level Arm Wrestling Championship, which was held in Naharlagun on 15 and 16 April.

West Siang also became the team champion.

The silver and the bronze medals in the senior men’s 90+ kg category were won by Goke Taipodia and Ameen Welly, respectively, while in the women’s 50 kg category, the silver and the bronze medals were won by Tadar Matung and Tanmita Thakuri.

In senior women’s 55 kg category, the gold, the silver and the bronze medal were won by Gampi Lingu, Tobom Ado and Bhangbe Yangfo, respectively.

While Jumsum Ete won the gold medal in the senior women’s 60 kg category, the silver and the bronze medals in this category were won by Kiyir Diyum Riba and Hillang Yajik, respectively.

Muni Loyi, Ibi Lollen and Yumnu Yongam won the gold, the silver and the bronze medals in the women’s 65 kg category.

Katu Yomcha won the gold medal in the senior women’s 70 kg category (no silver and bronze medals were awarded in this weight category).

In the senior men’s 55 kg category, Sang Padung, Rakesh Jomyang and Jasa Wangsu bagged the gold, the silver and the bronze medal respectively, while Kalung Patuk, Tai Tachi and Rohit Tachi won the gold, the silver and the bronze medal, respectively, in the 65 kg category.

In the senior men’s 70 kg category, Nobo Kr Chanda won the gold medal, while Bishop Sono and Ajit Zera bagged the silver and the bronze medals.

In the 75 kg category, the gold, the silver and the bronze medals were won by Khoda Talyang, Diary Dupak and Gemar Riba.

Kirba Lollen, Marshal Teron and Biman Neog won the gold, the silver and the bronze medal, respectively, in the senor men’s 80 kg category.

In the senior men’s 85 kg category, Koj Risang and Roding Gao clinched the gold and the silver medal, respectively.

In the junior boys’ 55 kg category, Dangu Takio and Tumma Ronya won the gold and the silver medal, respectively, while in the 60 kg category, the gold medal was won by Tadung Sonam (no silver and bronze medals were awarded in this weight category).

In the junior boys’ 65 kg category, the gold and the silver medals were won by Komku Hai and Komkar Hai, respectively (no bronze medal was awarded in this weight category).

Goket Taipodia won the gold medal in the junior boys’ 90 kg category (there were no silver and bronze medallists in this category).

Dammin Yomcha and Henry Bam won the gold medals in the junior girls’ 50 kg and 90 kg weight category, respectively, Arunachal Pradesh Arm Wrestling Association secretary-general Pakjar Taipodia said in a release.

Meanwhile, Kanu Yomcha, Tadar Matung, Gampi Lingu, Tobom Ado, Jumsum Ete, Kiyir Diyum Riba, Muni Leya, Ibi Lollen, Katu Yomcha and Henry Bam in the senior women’s category; Sang Padung, Rakesh Jomyang, Kalung Patuk, Tai Tachi, Khoda Kara, Tachi Tadap, Bishop Sono, Aji Zera, Khoda Talyang, Diary Dupak, Kirba Lollen, Marshal Teron, Koj Rissang, Roding Gao, Moli Ngomdir and Ameen Welly in the senior men’s category; Dammem Yomcha and Henry Bam in the junior girls category; and Dangu Takio, Tumma Ronya, Tadung Sonam, Komku Hai, Komkar Hai and Goke Taipodia in the junior boys’ category have been selected for the National Arm Wrestling Championship, 2022, to be held in Hyderabad, next month, the release said. (PTI)