Training prog on integrated farming

HAYULIANG, 8 May: The Anjaw KVK organised a training programme on ‘Integrated horti-cum-livestock farming system’, in association with Teepani-based farmer-producer company (FPC) COPCL, here in Anjaw district on Sunday.

During the programme, COPCL CEO Chono Tindya Teepani informed that the COPCL is a large cardamom-based FPC and its members grow large cardamom as an income generation enterprise.

“Alternative crops should also be included in the farming system to improve income and ensure sustainability during adverse climatic conditions and the declining situation of large cardamom. Thus, in the present situation, the integration of livestock with spice and horticulture crops is one of the most potent systems in Anjaw district,” he said.

An integrated farming system is an interdependent production system that minimises the production cost and increases the overall income without using additional land and inputs.

Dr Santosh Kumar from the KVK explained “the integration of livestock and poultry with orange and large cardamom.”

Medicines for FMD and coccidiosis, along with seeds of paddy and finger millets, and large cardamom suckers were distributed to 25 members of the COPCL.