CM bids farewell to SEC Kojeen on retirement

ITANAGAR, 3 Aug: Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Wednesday bade farewell to Hage Kojeen, who retired after completing his five-year tenure as state election commissioner (SEC).

Felicitating Kojeen in a function here, Khandu hailed him for his outstanding services to the people of the state.

Meanwhile, Kojeen, in separate letters to the governor and the chief minister, conveyed his thanks to them for their support and cooperation in discharging mandated duties.

Kojeen has recommended for amendments of the existing APPR Act, 1997 to do away with various shortcomings faced by the Commission for smooth conduct of election of the local bodies in the future.

The recommendations included the provision of oath of office and allegiance to the Constitution of India on appointment of new state election commissioner, provision of election observers, ceiling on election expenses by candidates, NOTA, provision for ex-gratia compensation in case of death or injury of the election officials on duty etc.

Some of the major achievements made during his period included delimitation of PRIs and municipal bodies, revision of electoral roll, publication of commemorative compendium as a part of celebration of two decades of the state election commission, celebration of International Democracy Day, state and district level sensitization programme in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi University, holding of regional sub-committee meeting of All India State Election Commissioners at Tawang, adoption of new logo of the State Election Commission and successful conduct of general and by-elections of local bodies despite many challenges, like Covid-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday, Governor BD Mishra released the autobiography of Kojeen. The book titled “A journey from Village School to Election Commission” highlights the past history, the political scenario and many other interesting aspects of the people of the state.

The officers and staffs of the State Election Commission also gave a formal farewell to Kojeen on Wednesday.