Mother & child care kits introduced in LDV to encourage institutional delivery

ROING, 5 Aug: In order to encourage institutional delivery and reduce maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR), the Lower Dibang Valley (LDV) district administration on Friday introduced providing ‘mother and child care kits’ to women who gave birth at government hospitals and health facilities.

The kits contain supplemental nutrition drinks for the mothers and hygiene products for the babies, including a set of clothes, cotton nappies and wraps.

Kits were provided to four women from Abali village and nearby areas for giving birth to their babies in government hospitals in May and July this year.

DC Soumya Saurabh said that the kit would be very useful and encourage pregnant women to register their pregnancies and opt for institutional deliveries to reduce MMR and IMR in the district.

The mother & child care kit is a continuation of the ‘mother and child information kit’, a folder given to pregnant women on their prenatal check-up.

DMO Dr T Taki, ZPM Rajen Microw, doctors and public of Abali area were present during the programme. (DIPRO)