Bad weather thwarts aerial S&R op for Mra, Dao

Staff Reporter

SEPPA, 8 Sep: Poor visibility and extremely bad weather thwarted the aerial search & rescue (S&R) operation for missing Everester Tapi Mra and Niku Dao on Thursday.

Two Cheetah helicopters had been pressed into service to carry out reconnaissance from East Kameng HQ Seppa on Thursday afternoon. Mountaineer Taru Hai also joined the team to help identify the location. It is reported that the helicopters could not go beyond Saria village due to poor visibility and thick cloud.

“Extremely poor visibility due to thick cloud cover and rain beyond Saria village. Hence, choppers could not proceed further. Next attempt will be made tomorrow morning again,” informed Deputy Commissioner Pravimal Abhishek Polumatla.

The foot-based S&R operation was called off on Wednesday following continuous heavy rainfall in the forward point areas.