11 Arunachal students clear JEE

ITANAGAR, 23 Oct: Eleven students from Arunachal Pradesh cleared the Advanced Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) and got admission in the best ranking Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) colleges in the country.

Tana Huto, Goyi Bole and Tadar Simi got admission in IIT Madras, while Kime Kanga and Miro Pao got admission in IIT Kanpur.

The results were declared on 17 September.

Pakde Pumbu, Amuel Tyring, Apem Dupak, Mingkeng Libang, Suresh Lusi Tamim and Shiva Cheda also cleared the JEE and got admission in other IIT centres, including Kharagpur, Mandi, Ropar, Patna, Gandhinagar, and Dhanbad.

Tadar Simi got the all-India No 1 ranking among the ST PwDs (Persons with Disabilities).