AITF, CoSAAP mourn demise of former TCS president Tabu Paktung

ITANAGAR, 26 Oct: Arunachal Indigenous Tribes Forum (AITF) expressed grief over untimely demise of former Tagin Cultural Society president Tabu Paktung on 24 October.

Paktung (51) is survived by his wife, two daughters and a son.

Born in 1971 to late Tago Paktung and late Yaw Haging Paktung of Paktung village under Taliha administrative centre in Upper Subansiri district, he had joined the rural works department as junior engineer in 1993.

He was serving as superintending engineer at rural works department at the time of his demise.

“Tabu Paktung was a man of commitment and dedication and admired by all sections of the society. His indelible services to the Tagin community in particular and to the state as a whole shall always be remembered,” AITF president Bengia Tolum said in a condolence message to Patung’s wife Yathak Paktung.

He was the TCS president from 2012 to 2021 and contributed immensely towards development of Tagin third language textbook, the AITF said, adding that Paktung’s sudden demise has created a huge vacuum in the society and the CBO communities.

The AITF offered heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul.

Meanwhile, the Confederation of Service Associations of Arunachal Pradesh (CoSAAP) also extended their heartfelt condolences to late Tabu Paktung’s family and prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul.

CoSAAP in its condolence message said, “His sincerity, dedication and calibre in delivering his duties and responsibilities will always be remembered in the state especially, amongst the engineering fraternity. The state has truly lost an energetic, sincere, dedicated and multi talented technocrat.”

CoSAAP president Likha Tech along with other CoSAAP members had also met late Tabu Paktung’s family.