Guv advocates inclusion of environment protection in school curriculum

ITANAGAR, 7 Jul: Governor KT Parnaik has suggested that protection of environment must be incorporated in the school curriculum.

Addressing the concluding programme of a workshop on ‘Biodiversity conservation action plan’ in Lumdung in East Kameng distridct on Friday, the governor said that “it is the duty of every citizen to preserve and protect the flora and fauna,” and added that “the time has come when the people have to revive the bond with nature.”

He said that “there must be social message for young minds to connect with nature.”

The governor expressed deep concern over encroachment on forest land by some people with vested interests, and called for “timely action to address the issue.”

He released publications of the environment, forests & climate change department, titled Orchids, Its Identification, Cultivation & Conservation, authored by Jumter Nyorak of the Tippi-based Orchid Research Centre, and a booklet titled Community Conserved Areas by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature.

Environment & Forests Minister and local MLA Mama Natung, State Biodiversity Board Chairman Tayek Goi, and SSB Member Secretary Koj Rinya also spoke.

Principal Chief Conservator of Forest Jitendra Kumar spoke on ‘Biodiversity: Status and potential in Arunachal Pradesh’, while WWF-India director (governance) Vishesh Uppal presented a brief on the district level consultations on the state biodiversity strategy and action plan.

Earlier, the governor inaugurated a ‘Van Mahotsav’ park in Yarping and a ‘Natural Orchidarium-cum-Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre for Native Orchid Species of East Kemeng District’, and planted bokul saplings as part of the Van Mahotsav celebration.

He also distributed saplings to GB and the public on the occasion. (Raj Bhavan)