Rescued wild dog brought to Itanagar zoo

Staff Reporter

ITANAGAR, 7 Jun: The wild dog which had been rescued from Upper Subansiri district last month was brought to the Itanagar zoo on Friday for rehabilitation, Zoo Curator Raya Flago said.

The dog will be quarantined for at least 14 days after medical examination and giving it preliminary treatment, Flago said.

The young dog will be released into the wild again when it attains adulthood or can survive on its own in the wild, he said.

The dog was rescued by members of the Barka Youth Group of Yoka village in Maro on 29 June. The group handed it over to Daporijo DFO Boken Pao a day later.

Prior to handing over the animal to the team from the Itanagar Biological Park, the DFO informed that the wild dog (Cuon alpines) is around 7 months old and weighs approximately 5 kgs, Dosh Dasi, an animal lover, who was also present during the handover, informed in a release.

Highlighting the nature of the Asiatic dog, Pao said that they hunt in groups at night and can even kill animals like mithun.

Expressing appreciation for the Barka Youth Group in particular and the people of the district for their love for wildlife, the DFO appealed to all to not kill animals but hand them over to the forest officials, if found.

Meanwhile, the DFO also commended the saving of three orphaned hatchlings by feeding them for more than a week by GPC Koje Rebi Dasi.

Reportedly, the birds left their nest two days ago.

On Thursday, a team of panchayat members, led by the GPC, met the DFO at his office in Daporijo and apprised him of the rampant killing of wild birds and animals in Chetam and Nilling circles of Upper Subansiri district.

The GPC informed that “the DFO has assured to take appropriate measures to stop killing of faunas.”