Legal awareness prog

LONGDING, 19 Aug: The Longding District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), led by its Secretary CM Norbu, organised a legal awareness programme at the government higher secondary school (GHSS) here on Saturday.

Besides students of Class 9 to 12 of the GHSS, their counterparts from the Kendriya Vidyalaya, the town secondary school, and Don Bosco School attended the programme, during which advocates Wangtan Wangsu and Honlem Khangham apprised them of the provisions of the POCSO Act; the effects of narcotic and other drugs; and the provisions of the NDPS Act.

40 Assam Rifles Commandant Col Sunil Singh spoke on ‘Career options and the UA (P) Act’, and encouraged the students to “enhance your decision-making skills and obtain entrepreneurship skills, so that you can help yourselves and also the society.”

Longding SP Tumme Amo briefed the students on the Motor Vehicle Act, and said that “wearing helmet and seatbelts is very necessary for protection of oneself.”

GHSS TGT Sonam Socia also spoke. (DIPRO)