Hold China accountable for human rights violations in Tibet: CGTC-I to G-20 leaders

NEW DELHI, 25 Aug: The Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India (CGTC-I) demanded that the G-20 leaders hold its member state China accountable for alleged human rights violations in Tibet.

In a press statement, the CGTI-I demanded that the G-20 leaders exert pressure on the Chinese government to address the gross human rights violations, especially the reports that over a million Tibetan children have been separated from their parents and put into a “coercive residential school system” in Tibet.

 “The CGTC-I believes that the G-20 leaders, representing the world’s most influential nations, have a moral responsibility to address these pressing issues,” the release said.

It demanded transparent and independent investigation into the reports of human rights abuses, and allow world diplomats, media persons and the public to visit Tibet.

“The final authority on decisions regarding the reincarnation of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama rests indisputably and completely with His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself,” the release added.

It also called for resumption of dialogue with representatives of the 14th Dalai Lama.

“The G-20 leaders must exert diplomatic pressure on the Chinese government to resume meaningful and constructive dialogue and negotiation with the representatives of the 14th Dalai Lama to reach a peaceful and mutually acceptable resolution for the Tibetan issue,” the release said.

The group further called upon the G-20 leaders to consider Tibet as a global issue and include Tibet as a central and vital topic in the summit’s agenda.

India will convene the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi on 9 and 10 September this year.