RGU assns resent delay in appointment of new VC, say no to extension

ITANAGAR, 19 Sep: The Rajiv Gandhi University Teachers’ Association (RGUTA) and the Rajiv Gandhi University Employees’ Association (RGUEA) have expressed deep concern over the delay in the process of appointing a new vice chancellor (VC).

“The tenure of the present VC ends on 3 October, 2023; still there has been no notification for advertisement of the post of the VC, nor any notification on the search committee for the appointment of the VC is constituted,” the associations said.

The current VC is Prof Saket Kushwaha.

“The RGUTA and the RGUEA demand early appointment of the new vice chancellor before 4 October, 2023,” it said, adding that “both the organisations, however, shall not prefer to welcome any extension of the present incumbent, as the university has many experienced and qualified faculty members to take care of the university in the capacity of an in-charge vice chancellor till the appointment of a new vice chancellor, as per convention and rule.”

The MoE/institution should avoid any procedural lapses/delay that may have wider ramifications that may adversely affect the stakeholders, they said.

“Normally, and as per the MHRD (now MoE) letter No 52-4/2019-CU III, dated 6th March, 2020, such advertisement for the post of the vice chancellor should be done well in advance, at least two months before the completion of the tenure of incumbent vice chancellor, so that all formalities and procedures are completed and transition of the chair of vice chancellor is done smoothly on time,” the associations said.

On being asked, the university administration informed that it has written a couple of reminder letters to the ministry of education (MoE), New Delhi, with regard

to advertisement for the post of the VC and constitution of the search committee. “The MoE has still not responded with any communication,” the associations said.

“As such,” they said, “the stakeholders of RGU are concerned over this delay, which may lead to an understanding/narrative that the MoE, New Delhi is treating RGU with least preference or not bothered to pay attention to a small/insignificant category of a university located in one of the backward northeastern states, Arunachal Pradesh.”

The associations informed also that the Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006, does not have any provision for reappointment of the VC.

“Under this circumstance, the vacuum that will be created after the exit of the present incumbent and non-appointment of new VC may lead to an administrative quandary, with many administrative and executive functional shortfalls in the varsity,” they said.