Guv expresses concern over slow implementation of welfare progs in K/Kumey

KOLORIANG, 28 Nov: Governor KT Parnaik expressed concern over the slow implementation of welfare programmes of the government, as well as shortage of departmental officers, in Kurung Kumey district.

After reviewing the implementation of various developmental programmes and schemes in Kurung Kumey during his maiden visit to the district on Tuesday, the governor suggested using “technology and automation for planning and project implementation.”

He emphasised also on education, health, and agriculture.

Parnaik appealed to the elected representative, panchayat members, GBs and youths to “focus on students completing minimum basic education, ie, 10+2, which will provide them with opportunities for employment.”

He reiterated the need for village volunteers, especially women, who can be trained in healthcare, hygiene and sanitation.

“They can lead the way to ensure cleanliness in villages and could be incentivised by the state government,” he said.

Highlighting the initiatives of the government in the health sector, particularly to eradicate tuberculosis and cancer, he urged the people to adopt TB patients under the Nikshay Mitra programme.

The governor stressed on the agrarian community to “become self-reliant by focusing on agriculture, horticulture and allied sectors.”

“For progress and prosperity, there must be good infrastructure, including roads, hospitals, educational institutes and other basic facilities in the district,” he said.

“Successful implementation of the components under the Vibrant Villages Programme of the central government will help in reverse migration, as soon as development reaches the border areas,” he said.

Earlier, the governor interacted with GBs, panchayat members, government officials, and the people of Koloriang. He shared his concern over drug addiction among the youths of the state, and exhorted all stakeholders to “prepare the youths for recruitment in Army and paramilitary forces.”

Parnaik also visited the Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya in Koloriang and interacted with the teachers and students of the school. He said that “VKVs are synonyms with discipline, good grooming and respect for all,” and exhorted them to “excel as a model school.”

The governor felicitated the achievers of the school during his visit.

Earlier in the day, Parnaik went on an aerial tour of Sarli, a remote border village, and touched down at Hurii.

Local MLA Lokam Tassar, Deputy Commissioner Ibom Tao, SP Bomken Basar and former elected leaders were also present at the meeting. (Raj Bhavan)