KVK team visits oilseed field

MOPAKHAT, 29 Dec: A two-member team of the Longding KVK, comprising KVK Head (i/c) A Kirankumar Singh and Chow Kulenda Khunchow, visited a farmer’s oilseed field here on Friday as part of the frontline demonstration programme on oilseeds (TS-67 Toria variety).

During the visit, the duo assessed the Toria TS-67 field of one Phongam Josaham, “and the crop was found to be in luxuriant growth in flowering stage,” the KVK informed in a release.

While there were no signs of infestation by insect pests, the team found that “the plant population of the crop has not been properly maintained as there was un-uniform seeding in the field, due to which, in some parts of the field, overcrowding of plants was found; otherwise the rest were found satisfactory,” it said, adding that “the crop plants which were properly spaced were found to be luxuriant in growth with thick stems, and branching also were found satisfactory.”