National flag atop 73-ft tall flagpole hoisted in Tawang

TAWANG, 30 Dec: Local MLA Tsering Tashi and Flag Foundation of India CEO Ashim Kohli together hoisted the national tricolour atop a 73 feet tall flagpole here on Friday, in the presence of Tawang Brigade Commander, Brig Vipul Singh Rajput.

The solemn ceremony was witnessed by officials of the district administration and troops of the Indian Army, the ITBP and the SSB, besides cadets of the 2 Arunachal Pradesh NCC Battalion, amid sloganeering of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’ by the tourists present on the occasion.

The Ceremonial Guard of the Indian Army presented a ‘Rashtriya Dhwaj’ salute, with the national anthem playing in the background.

 The MLA in his address thanked the troops’ selfless service towards the nation, and praised the civil-military bonhomie in Tawang which has led to continued development in terms of infrastructure, medical facilities, education, and social wellbeing.

“This flag will be a source of inspiration for unity, integrity and national strength,” he said. (DIPRO)