For the first time in the state, a government official has been caught red-handed accepting bribe by a team of the Special Investigation Cell (SIC) on Monday in Itanagar. The SIC team laid a trap after receiving a complaint from the complainant and arrested CK Singh, who was working as a junior engineer in the PWD western zone office, for accepting bribes. The arrest has created a buzz and heated debates among the citizens. A section of the population has dared the SIC to arrest the big fishes, and argued that, unless the big guns are arrested in such operations, the seriousness of fighting corruption will always be doubted.
There might be some truth to this argument, but there is no denying that this is a huge step in the fight against corruption. Even though it may not end corruption, it does send out a message that the government agencies are ready to take action if citizens bring it to their notice. Now the officials will become conscious, knowing that if they harass citizens for bribes, they can land themselves in trouble. Quite often, the citizens themselves are responsible for succumbing to the pressure tactics of government officials and paying bribes to get works done. This initiative by the SIC will hopefully make the citizens aware also. Everyone has to join hands together to end corruption.