Unying Aran celebrated with pomp and gaiety

ITANAGAR, 7 Mar: Unying Aran, the most important festival of the Adi tribe, was celebrated by the Adi community residing in the Itanagar Capital Region at the Engo Takar Dere here with traditional pomp and gaiety on Thursday.

Extending festival greetings, Itanagar-based Donyi Polo Yelam Kebang – Golgi Bote Gangging (DPYK-GBG) and Society for Festival of Adi (SFA) president Along Ketan said, “Indigenous festival Unying Aran enables passing of tradition and cultural essence through music, dance and ceremonies from generation to generation.”

Ketan further said that celebration of indigenous festivals serve as a powerful medium for preservation, promotion and revitalisation of cultural heritage.

DPYK-GBG general secretary Otil Lego also spoke.

The main extravaganza of the festival was Yakjong dance, Bari Nenem, and modern dance performed by the Donyi Polo youth team.

Earlier, the celebration started with Unying Aran Gidi Taku Tabat by Along Ketan.