ITANAGAR, 2 Apr: The Arunachal Pradesh Information Commission (APIC) has slapped a penalty of Rs 25,000 each on ST Tara, State Public Information Officer (SPIO), PWD Capital Circle-cum-Coordination Training & Vigilance, Itanagar and CJ Manow, SPIO-cum-EE, WRD, Namsai division for ‘gross violation’ of provision of the RTI Act, 2005.
Both the SPIOs had been directed to furnish “para-wise reply” to the show cause notice served to them on or before the date of hearing on 26 March.
“The PIOs have neither complied with the orders of the commission nor appeared before the court of commission on the date fixed for hearing,” the APIC said in a press release.
The penalties were imposed under Section 20 (1) of the RTI Act, 2005.
The SPlOs have also been directed to deposit the penalty amounts before 30 April, along with all the documents as sought by the appellants in the next hearing, “failing which additional action under Section 20 (2) of the RTI Act would be initiated,” the release added. (DIPR)