Scams and scandals on the rise


In the past few years, the image of our country has been defaced beyond redemption. A large number of scams and scandals, involving top politicians, administrators and VVIPs, have come to light. Most of these scams and scandals unearthed by the Central Bureau of Investigation involve huge sums of money, running into thousands of crores of rupees. They have shaken the entire conscience of the country to the bones.

In my opinion, all ministers and public servants should be made to declare their assets. The vigilance department should also keep a constant eye on the corrupt officers and other public servants.

Ministers and senior officials must set a noble example of an honest living, free from corruption, bribery, nepotism and immorality. The law of the land should be provided with more teeth to deal with the corrupt elements. Corruption, at any level, is bad. The government must launch a vigorous campaign against this social evil.

Jubel D’Cruz,
