For the first time, I exercised my adult franchise for the general and the Lok Sabha elections, 2024. As it was my first time casting my vote on attaining the age of 18 years, I was very excited and discussed with co-voters the matter of voting and its importance.
There were mixed reactions on the selection of a leader. Many of them opined that a good leader with progressive ideas is very important for a developed and peaceful society. Some opined that a leader without money cannot win the election though he/she may be a good leader. Some opined that ruling ticket is very important for winning an election. Under such situations, being a first-time voter, I was stuck with confusion as to whom to vote for.
It was also observed that many of them were discussing the negative side of politics more, like casting vote for money, for religion, and on the basis of clans – even casting votes for the people who are no more in the constituency concerned. The discussions on the positive side were lesser, and under such circumstances, I felt that there was a great responsibility on the young voters to create awareness among the people on the positive side of the political system.
As we are going to elect our leaders who will guide and lead us for the coming five years, we have to cast our votes meticulously and see the qualities of a leader instead of judging him/her on the basis of money power, caste, religion and clan. We have to judge and cast our votes for a person who can lead us in the right direction and create a congenial atmosphere where everybody lives a happy and peaceful life. We have to cast our votes for a person who is really a leader by heart, not by mind, as a good leader will always bring development, peace and prosperity to the society, state and the nation.
So, finally, after deeply judging the qualities of the leaders who were in the race, I cast my vote in favour of the best among them.
Topi Ete,
Bharati Women College,
Delhi University