IFS probationers on ‘hill tour’

[Prem Chetry]

SINGCHUNG, 23 May: Fifty-seven IFS probationers of the 2023-’25 batch concluded a two-day ‘hill tour’ of the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary (EWS) and the Singchung Bugun Village Community Reserve (SBVCR) in Singchung subdivision in West Kameng district on Thursday.

The probationers, who embarked on the tour as part of their training programme, were accompanied by a faculty member during their visit to the EWS and the SBVCR.

Range Forest Officer Yachang Kani said that, during their visit, “the probationers interacted with forest department officials and the management committee, gaining valuable insights into various management and protection practices adopted by the sanctuary and reserve.”

They also engaged in birdwatching and trekking to Tragopanda Lake, and commended the rich biodiversity of the region.

On day two, the probationers visited the community library run by Shergaon-based NGO Gurung Thuk, where they learned about various conservation activities undertaken by the organisation.

This was followed by a trek to the sacred grove in Shergaon, providing them with a deeper understanding of the local ecosystem.

Throughout the tour, the probationers were accompanied by forest department officials, including Conservator of Forest Millo Tasser, DFO Tabom Soki, and EWS Range Forest Officer Yachang Kani, who provided guidance and support.

The tour provided an opportunity to the probationers to understand the conservation efforts, community engagement, and cultural diversity of the region.