Police rescue minor househelp

LEMMI, 28 Jun: A team of the Pakke-Kessang district police rescued a domestic help, aged around 16 years and hailing from Itakhola (Assam), from Gumte village in the district on Friday, under the guidance of SP Tasi Darang.

A complaint had been lodged at the WCD control room in Itanagar, and the message was passed on to the Pakke-Kessang police.

Based on specific inputs received from the CHC, Itanagar, the district police launched a rescue operation and rescued the girl from the village.

The girl’s mother has alleged that she and her daughter had been living in captivity as bonded labourers for years and their employers were reluctant to let them go home.

However, she somehow managed to escape from the village and

went on to seek help to get her daughter rescued.

The victim is now in the safe custody of the Pakke-Kessang district child protection office for counselling and further arrangements to send her back to her parents.

The police team comprised Pakke-Kessang PS OC, SI Tage Kapa, Constables Pagge Taluk and Tater Siga, and L/Ct Minam Tayeng. (DIPRO)