Capacity bldg prog for AWWs held

NAMSAI, 9 Jul: A two-day capacity building programme for anganwadi workers (AWW) “to saturate health and nutrition key performance indicators (KPI)” was held on Monday and Tuesday at the circuit house and the Piyong community hall in Namsai district under the Sampoornata Abhiyan campaign, an official release informed.

A total of 118 AWWs of Namsai block participated in the programme.

Various topics, including take home ration (THR), community-based events, village health sanitation and nutrition day (VHSND), hot-cooked meals (HCM), home visits, immunisation, pregnancy and delivery, preschool education, supplementary food distribution, and accurate data entry were discussed during the programme.

Additionally, “verification of the number of pregnant women was done using data provided by medical sources, ASHAs and AWWs, and issues regarding data discrepancies on the Poshan tracker were also addressed,” the release stated.

The current KPIs on nutrition for pregnant women, and supplementary nutrition under the integrated child development services (ICDS) were reviewed and “a roadmap was prepared to achieve 100 per cent by September,” it said.

The programme was attended by, among others, CDPOs, officials from the ICDS department, supervisors, gram sevikas, ICDS mentors, AWWs and a team of Piramal Foundation in Namsai. (DIPRO)