Changlang DA issues anti-ragging guidelines

[ Pisi Zauing ]

CHANGLANG, 9 Jul: The Changlang district administration has issued anti-ragging guidelines to prevent ragging in educational institutions in the district.

The guidelines have been issued in view of the recent incident of ragging at JNV Goju in Bordumsa, where several students were injured.

All the heads of government, government-aided and private schools have been directed to implement these guidelines in letter and spirit to create a healthy atmosphere in the schools.

Under the guidelines, all students and parents will have to sign an anti-ragging undertaking at the time of admission.

“Anti-ragging pledge is to be taken by all the students of residential schools,” the guidelines state, adding that no student will be admitted/registered until both the undertakings are submitted.

They state that “accommodation for junior students will be made in separate and distant hostel block,” and that “no senior student will be permitted to enter the juniors’ hostel without permission from the warden.”

Similarly, no junior student will be given permission to visit the hostels of the senior students, the guidelines state.

“Attendance of hostel students – both freshers and seniors – will be taken at 9 pm, and the report will be submitted to the anti-ragging squad. All students shall abide by the hostel rules and the anti-ragging regulations,” they guidelines state.

Further, the schools have to set up ‘anti-ragging committees’ and school-level ‘anti-ragging squads’ to ensure that no ragging takes place. The responsibility of the anti-ragging squad will be, among other things,to investigate incidents of ragging and report it to the anti-ragging committee.

All the parents have been advised to keep regular contact with their wards and monitor their wellbeing and academic progress.

“BRCC/GRCC are to visit all residential schools on a weekly basis and submit report to DDSE with a copy marked to DC, Changlang,” the guidelines state.

Use of mobile phone or any other gadgets in hostels has been strictly prohibited. “If any student is found using any type of mobile or other gadgets in hostel, their gadgets will be seized and kept under the custody of the principal until the annual examination is over,” the guidelines state.

Earlier, the executive members of the Singpho Women Organisation (SWO) met Changlang Deputy Commissioner Vishal Sah and discussed the issuance of the anti-ragging guidelines.

The DC took suggestions from the SWO and issued the guidelines as per the Supreme Court judgement,UGC regulations, and other sources.

The Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) hailed the Changlang DC for taking prompt action to address the issue of bullying and ragging.

“Your proactive approach through the district administration has greatly motivated the women NGOs who work tirelessly and voluntarily for the betterment of our society. The quick response to the concerns raised by the Singpho Women Organisation, India, and the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (Central Executive Committee), led by our adviser Pinna KM Singpho, is truly commendable,” the APWWS said.

“We have reviewed the anti-ragging guidelines and appreciate your efforts as an administrator to ensure that no ragging takes place in schools and hostel premises. Your enforcement of stringent anti-ragging measures and the implementation of deterrent punishments for offenders are vital steps in this direction,” APWWS president Kani Nada Maling said.

The APWWS suggested to the DC to “add in the guidelines that if the wrongdoer is found to be a juvenile, he/she shall be dealt with as per the provisions of the JJ Act 2015.”

It said that “formation of anti-ragging committees and squads in every school is a positive move that we fully support.” These measures will help create a safer and more conducive study environment for our children, Maling said.

She expressed hope that the anti-ragging guidelines – the first of its kind in the state – will set a precedent for other districts to follow.