MLA flags off school bus

TAWANG, 11 Jul: Local MLA Namgey Tsering on Thursday flagged off a school bus, which will ply between Khirmu and the government secondary school (GHSS) here.

The bus will ferry students from Khirmu and adjoining areas to the school.

The MLA recalled his days as a student of the GHSS here, and advised the students to be “honest, sincere,and hardworking.”

Exhorting the students to keep away from drugs and other intoxicants, he gave assurance that he would provide all possible help to them in “pursuing your career for higher studies and preparing for competitive examinations.”

GHSS Vice Principal Yeshi Chotten expressed gratitude to the MLA for providing the bus, saying that “this will benefit those students coming from far villages, and will further ensure their regular attendance in the classes.”

Tawang SP DW Thongon, DDSE (i/c) Dhondup, Assistant Station Superintendent (Transport) Tsering Phuntso, public leaders, teachers, and students were present at the flagging-off ceremony. (DIPRO)