Capital police present yearly review

[Tarannum Ansari]

ITANAGAR, 18 Jul: The capital police on Thursday convened a media interaction programme to present a comprehensive review of their work over the past year.

The programme, led by Itanagar SP Rohit Rajbir Singh, marked the completion of his one-year tenure on 17 July.

The SP said that the programmed was aimed at providing a transparent account of the police’s performance, highlighting both achievements and areas needing improvement.

“This is my way of presenting our work assignments every year. We aim to be transparent with the public, showcasing our good work and acknowledging our limitations. It’s a performance review for the public we serve,” said Singh in his introductory remarks.

The capital police highlighted their significant accomplishments, including action taken against narcotics dealers under Operation Dawn, which resulted in registering of 34 cases and the arrest of 44 individuals.

They also dismantled three major human trafficking rackets this year, rescuing 10 girls.

In the first case, they recovered the victims and arrested a policeman involved in the racket. The second case involved a notorious network in Chimpu, in which 28 people were arrested and led to the rescue of three girls from being trafficked for prostitution.

The third case focused on a Delhi-based network, resulting in rescuing of two girls who were being trafficked to a prostitution ring. The police arrested the traffickers and the ring leader, Jeet Khatri.

Apart from combating crimes, the capital police also organised four blood donation camps, with around 647 donors participating in them. In one camp, 260 units of blood were donated.

In addition to operational achievements, the capital police have introduced several new initiatives aimed at enhancing service delivery and community engagement, including the launching of e-services, health camps, an investigating officer handbook, a women PCR under the ERSS, recognition of ‘police officials of the month’, cybercrime awareness handbook, and NEET scholarship for the children of police department personnel.