Govt determined to combat drug menace: Natung

DOIMUKH, 18 Jul: Home Minister Mama Natung said that the state government is fully determined to combat the drug menace and create a safer and healthier environment for all citizens.

Addressing an awareness programme on drug abuse, organised by the Papum Pare district police, in collaboration with the Power Grid Corporation of India, here on Wednesday, Natung said that “thisawareness programme is a testament to the state government’s commitment to addressing the critical issue of drug menace and promoting a drug-free society.”

He urged the youths to stay away from drugs and make positive choices that would lead to a brighter future. The minister also exhorted youths who are addicted to drugs to quit the habit and lead a better and happy life.

Natung’s adviser Mutchu Mithi commended the Papum Pare police “for initiating a very meaningful and valid drug awareness programme,” and exhorted the youths to avoid drug abuse.

DGP Anand Mohan highlighted the role of the law enforcement agencies in curbing the drug menace, and called for “collaboration among the government, the law enforcement authorities, and the civil society to tackle this growing problem.”

The programme included interactive sessions, counselling services, and distribution of informative materials to educate the participants on the harmful effects of drug abuse.

The event also featured testimonials from individuals who have successfully overcome their addiction, providing inspiration and hope to those in need.

Among others, Doimukh MLA Nabam Vivek,students, government officials, officials of law enforcement agencies, and members of civil society groups attended the programme.