Kombo Pipak village gets drinking water supply

AALO, 30 Jul: Sports & Youth Affairs Minister Kento Jini inaugurated the drinking water supply for Kombo Pipak village, near Jirdin in West Siang district, on Tuesday, thereby fulfilling the longstanding demand of the villagers for drinking water supply.

Speaking on the occasion, Jini urged the villagers to “spare your time and land for overall development of the area.”

Earlier, the minister adopted Pipak village. He informed that “the entire village road connectivity, from SFS College to Tadin, is under construction and there is a plan to construct an all-weather road

to Jelly, Ngomdir, and Beye villages.”

He further said that the Eklavaya Model Residential School in Kombo Tarsu “will be completed soon.”

Kombo CO Iken Bam, all ZPMs, panchayat leaders and government officials attended the programme. (DIPRO)