RWD restores MV road for LMVs

[ Pisi Zauing ]

MIAO, 30 Jul: The 157 km Miao-Vijaynagar (MV)road in Changlang district, which was severely damaged by heavy monsoon rains, has been cleared for 4×4 light motor vehicles (LMV), informed Rural Works Department (RWD) Executive Engineer Nyamar Rike on Tuesday.

Continuous heavy monsoon rains from the last week of June to the first week of July had resulted in major landslides in more than 100 locations of the road. The road was completely blocked as many culverts were washed out, and many government officials and commuters from Vijaynagar circle were stranded in the valley.

Though the MV road has already been handed over to the state highway department, the RWD EE took the challenge of restoring the road.

The restoration team led by Rike initiated frontline clearance, worked day and night with four JCB excavators, and reached Vijaynagar 27 July.

Aimed at giving the final touches, another team with excavators and other heavy machineries reached 53 Mile safely.

The road restoration teams are working day and night to ensure that the entire stretch of the MV road is restored to perfection, even though they are facing tremendous problems owing to continuous rain and lack of telecommunication services.

Meanwhile, Rike appealed to the commuters to “avoid journey in rain, and preferably use only 4×4 LMVs, as freshly restored locations are still muddy and slushy.”

The EE has also appealed to the commuters to cooperate with the restoration team by refraining from using heavy vehicles.

“All debris of the road will be cleared and every crack will be filled very soon,” he said after reaching Vijaynagar for the road restoration works.