Deploy forest guards to protect Poma wildlife range

As an environmentalist, I’m concerned about the possible destruction that may be caused to the environment and natural beauty of Poma and Jote villages by large influx of city dwellers on a daily basis to chill out at the Poma river. Poma and Jote are now easily accessible, thanks to State Highway 1. Another concern is possible increase in hunting, poaching, and illegal earth- and timber-cutting.
The officers and support staff of the Poma wildlife range are the guardians of nature and the natural resources of Jote-Poma region. But it is disheartening to note that Poma wildlife range has no forest guard for the past few years.
It is worth mentioning that foresters and forest guards are the real foot soldiers of the forest department. The Poma range, which falls under the Itanagar wildlife sanctuary, is a critically sensitive area due to dangers of illegal earth-cutting and encroachment. It requires regular patrolling by forest guards and proper management of the forest check gate.
Therefore I request the deputy wildlife warden and the PCCF to urgently deploy adequate forest guards at the Poma wildlife range, so that the area under the Poma wildlife range is protected effectively.
Yati Lingfa R,
Jarbom Gamlin Govt Law College, Jote