IMC organises ‘swachhta pledge’ event

ITANAGAR, 26 Sep: As part of the ongoing Swachhata Hi Seva campaign, the Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC), in collaboration with the Brahma Kumaris, organised a ‘swachhata pledge’ event themed ‘Spirituality for a clean and healthy society’,at the IMC office on Thursday.

Speaking on the occasion, IMC Mayor Tamme Phassang said, “This event aims to encourage a cleaner and healthier society, not only through cleanliness drives but also by nurturing mental and spiritual health.”

Phassang expressed hope that the event would inspire residents to take an active role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in their surroundings, fostering enthusiasm and prosperity within the community.

In addition to the pledge-taking event, Phassang also launched a special comic book titled ‘Chacha Choudhary and Swachh Arunachal Pradesh’, featuring the popular characters Chacha Choudhary and Sabu, with a message on cleanliness and hygiene.

Corporators from various wards, IMC officials and staff, and members of the Brahma Kumaris participated in the event and shared their ideas for a cleaner and healthier society.