Notify TGT exam at the earliest


I am writing to express the deep concern of many TGT aspirants regarding the recent postponement of the TGT examination. When the tentative examination date of TGT had been announced, it had filled our hearts with hope. We thought that the uncertainty surrounding the TGT exam was finally over. It was a lifeline for us. It gave us the motivation to double our efforts. Many dedicated aspirants who have been tirelessly preparing for years have left their part-time jobs to focus entirely on their studies.

However, our happiness was short-lived. The recent postponement of the TGT exam without any update on the new tentative date has left us feeling helpless and anxious again. Merely stating that a new tentative date will be notified soon offers little solace to the TGT aspirants, as we are again left in a state of uncertainty regarding the TGT exam.

Many of us from modest backgrounds are facing financial difficulties to continue their preparations due to the prolonged wait for the examination. For some of us, even basic living expenses are becoming increasingly difficult to manage. Adding to this, many of us are battling against time. The fear of crossing the upper age limit is ever present, and every delay pushes us closer to the possibility of crossing the upper age limit.

We fully acknowledge that conducting an examination like TGT, where countless aspirants compete, is a monumental task and require meticulous planning and coordination at every level; yet we earnestly request the commission to provide us with a new tentative date for the TGT examination sooner to help restore our hope.

Through this platform, we humbly request the APPSC to kindly consider our struggles and provide a new tentative date for the TGT exam at earliest, without any delay. A new tentative date would help us plan our lives and would certainly relieve us from the immense pressure we are facing right now. We are not just asking for a date – we are asking for our dreams to remain alive. We place our trust in your hands, believing that our dreams will not be dashed due to circumstances beyond our control.

Aged TGT/PGT aspirant