Wangsu inspects development projects

KANUBARI, 15 Dec: Agriculture & Allied Minister Gabriel D Wangsu inspected various ongoing development projects in Kanubari constituency in Longding district on Saturday.

The projects inspected included the Longding-Bimlapur road, the inspection bungalow in Chubam, the cardamom nursery site in Shaja Khet, the general ground in Chanu-Chubam, and educational institutions like the government upper primary school in Chanu village and the government primary school in Longshom village.

During the inspection, the minister issued strict instructions to the executing agencies to adhere to government construction norms without deviation. He emphasised that “no compromise on work quality will be tolerated, as substandard work ultimately affects the public in the long run.”

He further directed the departments concerned to ensure that the inspection bungalow in Chubam becomes “a symbolic and aesthetically pleasing structure for the headquarters.

“Attention to beautification and quality must go hand in hand in creating infrastructure that reflect the beauty and identity of the circle,” he said.

The minister was accompanied by the Longding DC, the DSP, the ADC, and HoDs of Kanubari.