Piglets distributed to farmers

NAMSAI, 17 Mar: Ninety piglets, along with medicines and feed, were distributed to 41 farmers during a kisan gosthi-cum-input distribution programme for livestock farmers organised at the KVK premises here by Kolkata (WB)-based Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) on Monday, in collaboration with the Namsai KVK.

The programme was attended by IVRI principal scientists Dr S Bandopadhyaya and Dr PK Nanda.

KVK animal science expert Dr Binod KD Boraelaborated scientific pig-keeping practices, and briefed the farmers on the well-performing pig breeds and their housing, feeding, breeding, and health management.

Dr Bandopadhyaya spoke about diseases in piglets and the care to be taken for their management, while Dr Nanda advised the farmers to attend training programmes and follow scientific practices for successful livestock farming.