I am a resident of Economics and Statistics Colony. I am a student who recently took his Class 11 final examination. I would like to draw attention to the plastic pollution that is evident in my colony, mostly on the roadside. A large amount of plastic (including unhygienic materials like used diapers) are thrown on the roadside.
This affects the standard of living of the residents. Ironically, the people are the ones who are causing this problem. It’s the carelessness of a community which I want to address. But it seems like there is no awareness or proper implementation from the IMC also in regulating sanitation. The scenario will get worse in the coming days if this problem is not taken seriously by the IMC and the leaders of the colony.
A need of solution is there. The administration must find ways to tackle this problem, not only in one colony or place but in the whole of the Itanagar Capital Region. I have also carry some suggestions:
(1) CCTV cameras should be installed at places where people throw their waste.
(2) Responsibilities must be given to the residents of the colony by the administration with a warning of strict punishment if the surroundings are violated beyond limit.
(3) Awareness must be spread from house to house about this issue.
Dori Riang,
Resident of Economics and Statistics Colony