Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Sepoy Kanshi Ram

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachalee old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Jemadar Jatan Singh Gusain

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachalee old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Brigadier Ravi Kumar Mathur

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Time for flyovers & metro rails?

Flights Of Fantasy Today many towns of Arunachal are experiencing traffic jams, especially during peak hours. Traffic jams are longest and most prevalent in the...

Traffic jammed capital

Flights Of Fantasy Today, many towns of Arunachal are experiencing traffic jams, especially during peak hours. However, traffic jams are longest and most prevalent in...

Chengdu as Bharatnagar and Kunming as Modinagar?

Flights Of Fantasy Just a week back, China audaciously released a fourth list of 30 new names of various places in Arunachal Pradesh, which include...

Election postmortem

Flights Of Fantasy The simultaneous elections for the state assembly and the Lok Sabha were held in Arunachal Pradesh on 11 April. Elections were conducted...

Emergency supplies during bandhs

Flights Of Fantasy In the last few days, Northeast India has been hit by bandhs and disruptions caused by protests against the implementation of the...

Atmanirbhar Bharat to checkmate China

Flights Of Fantasy China is a major world power with the largest military of the world and the second largest economy in the world. China's...

Time to remove Covid restrictions?

Flights Of Fantasy Covid-19 has spread to all corners of the world, infecting more than 19.5 crore persons, with 42 lakh plus fatalities. India has...

Hello 2022

Flights Of Fantasy Yet another new year dawns. The sun's rays over Dong in Arunachal Pradesh ushered in another New Year, 2022. With the dawn...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: 2nd Lt GVP Rao

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old-timers recall the 1962 India-China conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Lucky Arunachalees: Lotteries and housie

Flights Of Fantasy Are Arunachalees very lucky? Must be! That's why many Arunachalees love to indulge regularly in lotteries, 'housies' and dice/card games. In our state,...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Lance Naik Sardar Singh

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

What’s in a name?

Flights Of Fantasy Most common names of North-east India are 'uncommon' to mainland India. Names like Shurhozelie Liezietsu, Chekrovolu Swuro, Sniawbahlang, Huidrom Taibangsatba Meitei, Mylliemnpdah,...


Flights Of Fantasy The annual budget for Arunachal Pradesh was presented on 8 July. The projected total revenue and capital receipts for 2019-20 is Rs...

Support local products

Flights Of Fantasy A group recently organised a two-day exhibition of indigenously made textile and agri-horti based products at the Dorjee Khandu State Convention Centre...

History of McMahon Line: Bogus Chinese claims

Flights Of Fantasy India and China have had an acrimonious relationship over the last 60 years. The major conflict was the Sino-India war of 1962,...

Covid-19-free by September?

Flights Of Fantasy Over the last one year plus, Covid-19 has spread to all corners of the world, infecting more than 17 crore persons, with...

Myth and facts of Jaswantgarh

Flights Of Fantasy Everyone travelling to Tawang pass Jaswantgarh, named after Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat of the 4 Garhwal Rifles, who was martyred on 17...