MLA inspect CMKSY projects

[ Karda Natam ]
DAPORIJO, Jul 29: MLA Taniya Soki and a team from the district horticulture department inspected the orange garden plantation projects at Mosi, Soki and Doni areas in Upper Subansiri to assess their progress on Wednesday.
The projects were initiated under the CM’s flagship programme implemented under the Chief Minister Krishi Sashakt Yojana (CMKSY) and Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI)
During the visit, he inspected the site along with experts and verified the progress of 48 units of cluster farming of orange garden plantations.
Advising the farmers, he emphasised on self reliance and encouraged locals, especially the youth, to participate in sustainable economic activities.
He urged the farmers to improve their farming tactics with modern technology and techniques to yield quality horticulture products.
Encouraging the farmers to commercialize their horticulture production, Upper Subansiri SDHO Dr Molar Bui urged the farmer to upgrade to modern techniques of farming by following certain guidelines provided by scientists.
He also highlighted that “sticking to the traditional style of farming by rural farmers is leading to low quality of horticulture produce.”