Orgs seek inquiry into death of Jerang & her unborn twins

ITANAGAR, Sep 30: The Bogum Bokang Kebang (BBK) and the Jering Matkir Society (JMS) have sought an inquiry into the death of Desu Pertin Jerang and her unborn twins, who allegedly died due to lack of immediate medical care.

Seeking a probe into the matter, the BBK condemned the series of alleged “medical carelessness and doctor’s unwillingness to attend to the pregnant lady in her grave condition.”

“It is properly clarified even in MHA guidelines that any pregnant lady in need of care needs to be treated properly and timely even in pandemic situation, irrespective of her Covid-19 status,” the BBK said and sought action against the doctor if there were any “loopholes found”.

Also seeking the intervention of the state government, the BBK said that if appropriate action is not taken up by the government then the organisation, in conglomeration with other organisations, would stage a democratic protest or file a public litigation.

While the JMS said that it is much indebted to the health care workers, including doctors and nurses for performing their duties in this pandemic situation, the organisation said “they should have taken care of emergency cases, especially maternity cases.”

The JMS also prayed to the almighty to give eternal peace to the departed souls and give enough strength to the bereaved family members during this hour.