5 arrested over woman’s rape and torture video

ITANAGAR, 27 May: The Bangalore police have reportedly arrested five culprits, including a woman, in the case involving the rape and torture of a woman. The shocking video had gone viral, following which a manhunt had been launched.

“Based on a video clip, wherein one woman was subjected to physical abuse and torture by a group of people, five culprits, including a woman, visible in the clip were immediately traced and secured by Bengaluru city police,” read a statement from the Bangalore police.

On the basis of the contents in the video clip and facts as disclosed during preliminary interrogation of the secured persons, a case of rape, assault and cases under other relevant provisions of the law have been registered against the accused at the Ramamurthy Nagar police station.

As per the information revealed so far, all of them are part of the same group and are believed to be from Bangladesh. Due to financial differences, the culprits brutalized the victim, who is also said to be a Bangladeshi who had been brought to India for human trafficking, the statement said.