ABKYW seeks life insurance for ASHAs deployed on Covid duties

ITANAGAR, Jun 30: The Adi Ba:ne Kebang Youth Wing (ABKYW) on Wednesday submitted a memorandum to Chief Minister Pema Khandu, seeking life insurance for the ASHAs deployed on Covid duties, installation of instrument landing system (ILS) at the Pasighat airport, and creation of posts of traffic wardens.

ABKYW president Joluk Minung told reporters that the ASHAs are being extensively used during this Covid pandemic as frontline workers with a monthly compensation of only Rs 2,000.

“Despite their active participation in containing the Covid spread, the workers have not been recognized by the state government. Therefore, we appeal to the state government to at least provide life insurance, with certificates and awards of recognition,” he said.

He said that installation of ILS at the Pasighat airport is needed to facilitate landing of aircraft in all weather and during night hours. “The third appeal, for the creation of posts of traffic wardens in Pasighat, is in line with the Itanagar traffic wardens to manage the increasing traffic congestion, thereby creating employment,” he added.

Earlier on Wednesday, members of the ABKYW met with the chief minister’s advisor Tai Tagak at his office here and appealed to the state government to provide all assistance to the BRO and the Siang district administration to ensure restoration of Sanggam bridge within a month.

Minung said that the bridge, which collapsed a couple of days back, served as a lifeline for five districts. The ABKYW also appealed to the public of Boleng and Pangin areas to assist the BRO in building a new bridge.

The ABKYW further appealed for restoration of the collapsed road at Rottung, in between Pasighat and Pangin.

“We also appeal to the state government to intervene in the boundary issue between East Siang and Lower Siang and solve the matter at the earliest, amicably,” Minung said, adding that no person or administrative officer from either district should be included in the decision-making related to the boundary demarcation.

The ABKYW also made it clear that it would not allow the inclusion of Adi land in Lower Siang district without the consent of the ABK.

The union also apprised the CM’s advisor of the need for a 50-bedded de-addiction-cum-rehabilitation centre in Pasighat.