DC assures pol depot owners of security

ITANAGAR, 21 Aug: Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) DC Talo Potom has assured to provide security to the petroleum, oil and lubricants (pol) depot owners, and to “take over two pol depots at night, one each in Itanagar and Naharlagun, respectively, on pilot basis.”

The DC gave the assurance during a meeting with pol depot owners under the umbrella of the Capital Complex Petroleum Depots Association (CCPDA) and officers of the food & civil supplies department here on Saturday.

The meeting was convened by the DC to address the issues and challenges associated with running of petroleum product outlets in the capital region, and also to make at least two pol depots open 24/7 in order to meet emergency pol requirements at night hours in the ICR.

The DC directed all the petrol pump owners to install high quality CCTV cameras to check miscreants’ habit of refilling their vehicles without making payments. He said that “the remaining pol depots will be rolled out if there’s positive response from the denizens of the capital region.”

After a detailed discussion, the DC assured to address the grievances of the CCPDA, and to “take up the matter with all concerned to improve the efficiency, quality, weight and measure of the petroleum products.”

He also assured to convene a meeting with the presidents and secretaries of unions and associations to check the menace of “forceful donation of pol items.”

Earlier, the owners of all the 17 pol depots, starting from Banderdewa to Chimpu, informed that “the flat carriage rate fixed by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) @ Rs 2,500 per 12 kl tanker for transportation of petrol, diesel and kerosene from IOCL depot Emchi, Doimukh, to various parts of the capital region, irrespective of distance, is too meagre.”

They requested the DC to intervene in the matter and resolve their grievances with the IOCL authorities.

Also highlighting the frequent demands placed by unions and associations for free pol items (petrol and diesel) “which runs into thousands of litres every month,” they informed that “the employees of pol outlets are subjected to physical assault if they refuse to meet the demands placed by such organizations.”

The CCPDA also appealed to the government departments to clear the outstanding pol credit bills, which run into crores of rupees, in order to improve the quality of service.

ICR DFCSO Amit Bengia requested them to adhere to the licensing policy of the government. (DIPRO)