APSLSA exploring feasibility of opening legal aid clinics at police stations

ITANAGAR, 30 Nov: The Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority (APSLSA) is exploring the feasibility of setting up legal aid clinics (LAC) at police stations to provide free and competent legal services to the poor and weaker sections of the society, saying that “it is a constitutional mandate enshrined in Article 39 A of the Indian Constitution.”

During a meeting here with the officers in charge of the Chimpu, Niti Vihar, Itanagar (C Sector) and women police stations on Tuesday, APSLSA Member Secretary Jaweplu Chai highlighted the role and functions of LACs and apprised the police officers of the need for legal assistance by persons during pre-arrest, arrest and remand stages, “which is a prerequisite right of persons eligible under Section 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.”

Chai stressed that LACs have to be established at every police station for providing access to justice at all stages of criminal process.

Law & Justice Deputy Secretary Dani Belo emphasized that police stations across the state have an important role in providing legal aid to persons against whom criminal proceedings have been initiated. He said that establishment of LACs at the police stations would help the arrested persons in knowing their rights.

“In this way, the constitutional mandate of making legal aid available to every section of the society could be fulfilled to a great extent,” he said.