Unsung heroes of Anglo-Abor war felicitated posthumously

KEKAR MONYING, 5 Apr: The unsung heroes of the Anglo-Abor war of 1911-12 were felicitated posthumously with citations and mementoes during a programme organised here in Siang district on Tuesday as part of the Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

Attending the programme, Environment & Forests Minister Mama Natung said that the governments, both at the Centre and in the state, are “searching for

the unsung heroes to showcase and felicitate them.”

“Our freedom is hard-earned; hence, we should preserve it,” he said.

Natung said that everybody should work towards peace, development and protection of the ecosystem from further degradation.

Responding to a memorandum submitted by Kebang ZPM Topi Jerang for construction of a war memorial and a museum in Rebing-Lireng in Kebang village, the minister agreed to have it constructed next year. He entrusted the Siang DC with the task.

MLA Kumsi Sidisow said that the Aka tribe also fought against the British in the Anglo-Aka war. He requested the Adi scholars to carry out research on the unsung heroes and martyrs of the Anglo-Aka war too.

The programme was organised by the Arunachal Abu Tani Community Confederation.

MLAs Ojing Tasing and Talem Taboh, the Siang DC, the SP, the WRD CE, the chief conservator of forests and PRI leaders accompanied Natung and Sidisow.

Earlier in the day, Natung inaugurated an office building of the WRD in Pangin. (DIPRO)